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Comments (3)

Breitling - 2 December 08:51

Bouche, aime caresser son corps. Viens, caresse ma chatte together, et moi triste.

Max - 24 April 06:12

Through the examination of a number of archival sources and legislation from the late fourteenth to the eighteenth century, this study looks at the phenomenon of the female scold in pre-modern Portugal.

Olesen - 1 January 20:42

15 Aspen Parker

Aflalo - 27 December 22:04

I don't really have much to go off of in this sense I'm pansexual. Gender isn't a conscious (but maybe subconscious, I don't know factor for me finding people attractive. Could you please do a video on how gender is different than race when determining sexual partners?

Shasta - 24 March 11:32

Dear Doctor Doe, I was out dancing with my friend and she was grinding I me. I got an erection and began to feel embarrassed. We kept dancing and neither of us said anything. What would be a proper way for me to either lose the erection or leave the dance floor?
